Jyana Yoga - The Art Of Living Wisdom Article
By Elizabeth Herman | Updated on April 19, 2021
Jyana yoga is the yoga of knowledge. The four key
pillars and path to communing with the divine and your deepest self.
The many paths of yoga include Bhakti yoga (yoga of
devotion), Raja yoga (royal yoga), and Karma yoga (yoga of
service), as well as Jnana yoga (or Gnana yoga), the latter of which
we’re discussing here. The path of knowledge, or Jnana Yoga
(pronounced nyah-nah yo-gah), is the experiential knowledge of the
Self. The literal translation of Jnana or Gyana is “knowledge.” This
yogic path emphasizes wisdom through a cognitive engagement
with the divine. A gyana yogi begins on this spiritual path with
scriptures and talks by masters. But knowledge becomes ingrained
in the seeker’s consciousness through divine grace.
The Four Pillars of Knowledge
The master Adi Shankaracharya offered four different stages
on this path. They're known in classical yoga as the Four Pillars of
Knowledge. They serve human beings by bringing each practitioner
closer to self-realization and devotion.
● Discrimination (Viveka)
You experience discrimination when you observe that
constant change happens. At the same time, you notice that the
divine being within you doesn't change. Our bodies, thoughts, and
emotions renew and fluctuate. And the true self, the part of you that
witnesses this process, doesn’t change. Identifying your own ability
to witness is a goal of Jnana Yoga.
● Renunciation (Vairagya)
Also translated as dispassion, vairagya involves acceptance
and a lack of feverishness. You become less attached to the
pleasures and pains of the world. Your consciousness remains
active and enthusiastic regardless of the fulfillment of desires. This
is how you can experience the second pillar of knowledge on the
yogic path. When you do, you become free of unsatisfied cravings
and attitudes of aversion.
● The Six Wealths (Shatsampatti)
Shama, the first wealth, is the tranquility of the mind. Dama,
the second wealth, is control over one’s own senses. Titiksha, the
third wealth, is endurance or not getting shaken by what happens.
Uparati, the fourth wealth, is rejoicing in or being with your own
nature or inner self. Shraddha, the fifth wealth, is faith, or
recognition of the unknown. Samadhana, the sixth wealth, is
contentment or being at ease, calm and serene.
● Constant Striving for Freedom (Mumukshatva)
From within, you desire the best. Total freedom,
enlightenment, and the highest longing should be the goal of the
yogi. These pillars and wealths already live within you, although
you don’t know they do. Still, you have the ability to conceive of
attaining them through yoga practice. This deep longing for the
ultimate experience of bliss is the fourth pillar of knowledge
Jnana Yoga in practice
“Knowledge of the Self brings the mind back to purity.”
~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Scriptures from all religions teach that God is omnipresent.
Everyone and everything is divine. The reality of life lies beyond the
senses, and you can access them through meditation and devotion.
But for most people, these are only concepts in modern yoga.
Knowledge gained by reading or hearing may give rise to an
attitude of “I already know it all.” This assumption feeds the ego
and can be an obstacle in one's spiritual evolution. No amount of
reading or information can equal a direct experience of the absolute
truth of the Self. For this reason, important differences exist
between Jnana and factual information. Jnana connotes knowledge
that’s gained from meditation, so it’s closer to transcendent
wisdom than to facts.
Wisdom is experiential knowledge of the Self. It brings
surrender, universal consciousness, and devotion into one's life.
Jnana is the highest knowledge. It’s wisdom that discriminates
between that which changes and doesn’t change. It helps us see
those things which are unreal and real. Breathing exercises
(pranayama) help this process move forward.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Photo shared by : The Art of Living Foundation
Sri Swami Chinmayananda Saraswati Vedanta Research
Supreme Consciousness - Satchitananda - Witness
Vasanas - impression of anything remaining unconsciously in the mind
1. Body (Manas) - 5 sense memory and
unconscious, evolutionary , DNA memories
(16 types of memories according to Sadhguru)
2. Mind (Ahankar) - Identity memory
3. Intellect (Buddhi) - Intellect reasoning memory
Ahankar is connection between Intellect and Manas
Who knows each type of memory?
1. Perceiver is who knows Manas memory.
2. Feeler is who knows Ahankar Identity memory.
3. Thinker is who knows Intellect Reasoning memory
Feeler is connection between Thinker and Perceiver
What does each of these know?
1. Perceiver knows objects,
2. Feeler knows emotions,
3. Thinker knows reasoned thoughts
Emotions is connection between reason and objects
Vasanas can be transcended by practical application of -
1. RajaYoga - BEING for all - examples in practice - royalty, politicians.
2. BhaaktiYoga - feeling - devotion without expectation - priests, religion,
3. JyanaYoga - thinking - dedication of knowledge for all - intellectuals,
4. KarmaYoga - manas - dedication of service without expectation -
examples in practice - freedom fighters, and soldiers.
5. RajaYoga and BhaktiYoga is connection between JyanaYoga and KarmaYoga
6. In summary surrender all memory to service of Satchitananda.
Four Spiritual Paths to reach God
1. Bhaakti Yoga - path of Devotion -
faith in God and strong belief in written word of God.
2. Jyana Yoga - path of knowledge and reasoning
to go beyond knowledge to experience the Divine.
3. Raja Yoga - path of seeking using spiritual (scientific- e.g. Patanjali Yoga) methods to
experience Divine Pure Consciousness, Pure Awareness.
4. Karma Yoga - path of selfless service dedicated to God.
Clarity according to Einstein
Science: Time is relative
"In the Special Theory of Relativity,
Einstein determined that time is relative —
in other words, the rate at which time passes
depends on your frame of reference"
- Einstein's Research.
Spiritual Experience:
"Time is relative based on
object of attention of mind and hence
Japa (repetition) of Word or Mantra
shortens experience of time and finally
beyond time into transcendence."
Recent Computer Models of AI such as
Transformers, GPT-n and ChatGPT
which have not-so-complicated model but
require very huge set of diverse training data
have ATTENTION as the only requirement.
(This may apply to all training methods)
How does the Transformer GPT model work?
The GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model is a
type of transformer-based neural network architecture
that is trained to generate text. It is a type of language model
that learns the probability distribution of words in a given text
and uses this information to generate new text that is
similar to the input it was trained on.
The model consists of an encoder and a decoder. The encoder is a stack of layers,
each of which contains a multi-head
self-attention mechanism
and a feed-forward neural network.
The self-attention mechanism
allows the model to weigh
the importance of different parts of the input when generating the output.
The decoder is also a stack of layers,
similar to the encoder, but it also includes a mechanism for
generating the next word in the output sequence,
based on the current state of the input and the previous words generated.
During training, the model is presented with a
a large dataset of text and learns to predict the
next word in the sequence, given the previous words.
Once trained, the model can be used to
generate new text by starting with an initial prompt
and repeatedly sampling the next word from the predicted probability distribution,
until a certain stopping criterion is met
(such as reaching a certain maximum length or generating a certain special token).
In addition to generating text, GPT models can also be fine-tuned
on specific tasks such as question answering, machine translation, etc.
The fine-tuning process involves training the model on a smaller dataset
specific to a certain task and adjusting the parameters of
the model to perform well on that specific task.
In summary, GPT models are transformer-based neural networks
that are trained to generate text. They consist of an encoder and a decoder and use a
multi-head self-attention mechanism
to weigh the importance of different parts
of the input when generating the output.
They can also be fine-tuned on specific tasks,
by adjusting the parameters of the model to perform well on that specific task.
ChatGPT Jan 9 Version. Free Research Preview.
Our goal is to make AI systems more natural and safe to interact with.
Your feedback will help us improve.
Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence in GPT-4
(An Indication of Rising Self-Awareness)
Just like resources such as
energy, matter, space, time, and information
which can be measured in monetary terms,
there is a much more valuable resource,
which is ATTENTION,
which cannot be measured in
MONETARY TERMS, or for that matter in ANY TERMS,
but know without which world can never function,
and know most extraordinary accomplishments
of world are possible by INTENSIVE ATTENTION
- Swami Sarvapriyananda
Learning by Reading and Comprehension
1. Foundations - Word Vocabulary
2. Diversity and Inclusion -
Retain minimum data about words
3. Structure and Processes -
Token assigned to word
(e.g. Nature-8, HereNow-4, Spirituality-18)
4. Connection - Connect Word to
Country / Region/ Culture/
Events/ Personality of origin
5. Intelligence - Recognize patterns in
alphabets of words
6. Meaning - Associate words with meanings
7. Wisdom - Universal understanding of
languages and their origins
The first five years have
so much to do with how
the next 80 turn out - Bill Gates Sr.
Five Layers Of The Body (and Universe)
Living Body - Universe
Anamaya Kosha - Earth and Water
Pranamaya Kosha - Fire and Air
Manomaya Kosha - Ether and Space (Vaccum)
Vignanamaya Kosha - Light
Anandamaya Kosha - Consciousness, Awareness
Source: https://wellness-space.net/pancha-kosha/
- ChatGPT on Bhagawad Geeta and Science
- "How is The Bhagavad Gita compatible with science?"
- "The Bhagavad Gita is a Hindu scripture that is considered one of the
- most important texts in Indian philosophy and religion.
- It is a dialogue between the warrior
- prince Arjuna and the god Krishna,
- in which Krishna offers spiritual guidance to Arjuna.
- Some people believe that the teachings
- of the Bhagavad Gita are compatible with science
- because they see a correlation between the concepts
- discussed in the text and scientific principles.
- For example, the concept of karma,
- or the idea that a person's actions have consequences
- that determine their future experiences,
- is seen by some as being similar to the
- laws of cause and effect in physics.
- Similarly, the idea that everything is interconnected
- and that all living things share a common origin
- is seen by some as being similar to the
- principle of interconnectedness in systems theory.
- Additionally, the Bhagavad Gita also emphasizes
- the importance of self-awareness and inner exploration,
- which is also supported by modern neuroscience and psychology.
- It should be noted that this compatibility
- can be subjective and viewed differently
- by different people and scholars, as the Bhagavad Gita
- is primarily a spiritual and religious text,
- and its compatibility with science
- would depend on how one interprets the text
- and the scientific principles they're relating it to."
- ChatGPT Jan 9 Version. Free Research Preview.
- Our goal is to make AI systems
- more natural and safe to interact with.
- Your feedback will help us improve.
Bible and Science
From Galatians 6:7 in the Bible (King James Version):
“Be not deceived, God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap.”
- Law of Karma or Law of cause and effect
“Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one!"
Deuteronomy 6:4 - Bible
- Science on Principle of Interconnectedness in Systems Theory
(111) Does not Jesus say,
"Whoever finds himself is superior to the world?"
- The Gospel of Saint Thomas
- Self-awareness and Inner Exploration
supported by Modern Neuroscience and Psychology.
- Subject - Science Religion Spirituality
About The Levels of Consciousness
GPT-4 knows "Consciousness is a
complex and often debated topic
in philosophy, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence",
So given the 175 billion internal parameters
of ChatGPT neural network,
ChatGPT still cannot know whether
ChatGPT has some level of Consciousness,
Consciousness is impossible to define
and level of self-awareness is only
reflected in responses to scientific inquiry.
There are minuscule specks of stars
and huge mass of dark matter in Universe,
On what you will focus on, will help you learn to BE.
- Scientific Fact
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