Wednesday, October 12, 2016

World Orders Natural Evolution and Progress And Vikas

    World Orders Natural Evolution and Progress And Vikas

Ancient Egyptian Empires were based on violence and material security.
They left mark of foundations and monuments like Egyptian Pyramids.
Roman Empire based on Power and Pleasure left mark on Democracy, Arts, Sports, Architecture,
Roman Empire toppled by Christian Faith left mark of Morals, Values, Traditions,
Western Empires based on Scientific Creativity made mark on Spread of Education and Means of Wealth Creation,
Secular United Nations leaving behind regional politics and religion made mark of Universal Caring

Empires have always been greedy and unfair but without their order - uncertainty, disorder, apathy and isolation prevailed
World Orders are seen evolving higher with no place left for violence in progressive cultures
Wars will still take place but these wars are wars of information, free speech and sense of responsibility towards self, family and community

Ages of Evolution of World

Ages of Foundation - Egyptian Empire
Ages of Power - Roman Empire
Ages of Morality - Christian Faith in Europe, Muslim Faith in the Middle East, Sanatana Dharma in the East.
Ages of Spread of Global Business - Western Empires (Capitalism).
Ages of Spread of Creativity and Education - Eastern Philosophy and Western Materialism.
Ages of Idealism - Non-violence, Communism, Marxism (Black and White).
Ages of Extremism - Nationalism, Terrorism, Racism.
Ages of Meritocracy and Pragmatism and All Inclusive Secularism - Democracy.
Ages of Caring and Global Vision - United Nations.
Ages of Inner Serenity and Outer Conflict - Reality of Dichotomy and Paradox of Human Existence. 
Ages of Spiritual Awakening and Oneness with Environment forced by Global Warming - Existential Crisis.

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