Tuesday, October 11, 2016


The soul is like  a drop of pure water separated from its parent ocean of pure water - HolySpirit,
As the soul gathers individuality through attributes 

like the drop of water gains color and taste, 
it tries it see itself different from other drops of water,
The soul can only return to its parent ocean when it loses its individuality,

through evaporation (done its duties), 
form a cloud and return to the ocean of pure water in form of rain.

(44) Jesus said, "Whoever blasphemes against 
THE FATHER will be forgiven, 
and whoever blasphemes against THE SON 
will be forgiven, 
but whoever blasphemes  
against HOLY SPIRIT  
will not be forgiven either on earth or in heaven."
- Gospel of Thomas

Manifestation rises with Consciousness, 

God does sleep in earth,
God does wake up in plants,
God does crawl in animals,
God does stands-up in humans,
- Source: Swami Veda Bharati
God does reveal to-for-through Saints,
God does return to Purity to HolySpirit
Your Eternal Duty to God will help you Return to HolySpirit

Right View and False View of Existence-Consciousness-Joy

Right view is that you only need consciousness to give proof of existence
False view is that you need manifestation and mind to give proof of existence
Right view is that the HolySpirit (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss) is source of mind and manifestation
False view is that body and brain is source of consciousness and mind
Right view is that you need activity with detachment to outcome of efforts to experience joy and content
False view is that you need activity with attachment to outcome of efforts to experience joy

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