Sunday, October 9, 2016

Evolutionary Forces of Universe And Progress And Vikas

Evolutionary Forces of Universe and Progress and Vikas

1. Foundations - Uniform Field and Force - Earth - Matter - Unified Quantum Field (Mother of Universe) 

2. Variety - Interaction with Various Forms - Features of Diversity and Inclusion Paradigm - Water (Start of Variety of Nature - Molecular-Biology / Algae / Plant / Fish / Amphibians / Mammals) (Pre-Human Age of Existence) (matches
Natural-Selection and Variation Concept of Darwin's Theory of Evolution)
Statistics Central Limit Theorem:  Application To Evolution Theory -  Means of Sampling distribution of representatives  from different groups have normal distribution  so diversity also produces normal distribution of  entire population.

3. Power - Fire - Agility, Flexibility, Fitness, Strength, Stamina, Structure, Strategy  - Features of Competitive Paradigm, 
, Recently Sea-lions hunting tuna in a team (unlike hunting sardines earlier in solitude) due to sardine unavailability, which shows sea-lion evolution.  (Hunting and Gathering Age of Human Existence) (matches [Survival of Fittest] Concept of Darwin's Theory of Evolution)

4. Harmonies - Air - Mutual Social Respect and Benefit in Social Structure - Features of Collaborative Paradigm - Bees, Ants, Humans, Mammals, Elephants(Agricultural and Industrial Age of Human Existence) [
"Mammals are capable of great greed and competition and cruelty, but are also capable of great kindness and compassion and friendship and generosity during times of huge calamity. And this kind of duality exists in most mammals." Source: CBSNEWS 60 Minutes - ]

5. Creativity - Ether, Vaccum, Sound, Space -  Features of Knowledge, Discovery Paradigm - Language (spoken and written), 
Information, Discovery, Communication, Speech, Music  (Industrial and Information Age of Human Existence) - Large Language Models (LLMs) are link between subjective human intelligence and objective computer processing.

6. Intuition - Light, ElectroMagneticWaves - Features of Subtle Paradigm - (Light Energy and Subtle Information Communication through Light-Electro-Magnetic Waves) - Extraterrestrial Communication of Intelligence,  Order of Universe, Energy (Information and Consciousness Age of Human Existence)

7. Pure Consciousness - Pure Internal Awareness, Pure External Attention - Universal Intelligence - Caretaker of Universe (Father of Universe)

8. Cosmic Consciousness - Saintly Experience Domain - (Universe is in "I am" - Macrocosm is Microcosm - Be still and know 'I am' is God)

9. Unity Consciousness - Return to Source of HolySpirit - (Samadhi, Salvation, Liberation, Satori, Freedom, Mukti)
(Quantum Mechanics Entanglement Theory)

Wikipedia paragraph on the topic of Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness:

"Penrose argues that human consciousness is non-algorithmic, and thus is not capable of being modeled by a conventional Turing machine, which includes a digital computer. Penrose hypothesizes that quantum mechanics plays an essential role in the understanding of human consciousness. The collapse of the quantum wavefunction is seen as playing an important role in brain function." - i.e.  

Only Attention-Awareness-Consciouness can collapse pure-potential quantum-wave-function to real-classical-world result. - Bhagawad Geeta points to pure-potential quantum field as MAYA and Awareness-Conscisouness As CHITTA and the collapse of CHITTA with MAYA gives rise to CHITTA-VRITTI real-classical-world result. 

Hindu Mythology explains that CHITTA-VRITTI of Lord Brahma gave rise to UNIVERSE expansion through Big-Bang, Lord Vishnu is responsible for maintaining the rhythm of UNIVERSE, and Lord Mahesh is responsible for contraction of UNIVERSE.   

Inheritance Concept (matches inheritance concept of Darwin's theory of Evolution)
Inheritance in Nature verification using Mathematics
Fibonacci Series Inheritance 
Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 ]

(Image Source:

Unity Consciousness (from HolySpirit un-manifested realm) on Earth (to manifested realm) is possible because of Prior Existence of Cosmic Consciousness, Pure Consciousness, Intuition, Creativity, Harmonies, Power, Variety, Foundations.
Cosmic Consciousness (from HolySpirit un-manifested realm) on Earth (to manifested realm) is possible because of Prior Existence of Pure Consciousness, Intuition, Creativity, Harmonies, Power, Variety, Foundations.
Pure Consciousness (from HolySpirit un-manifested realm) on Earth (to manifested realm) is possible because of Prior Existence of Intuition, Creativity, Harmonies, Power, Variety, 
Intuition (from HolySpirit un-manifested realm) on Earth (to manifested realm) is possible because of Prior Existence of  Creativity, Harmonies, Power, VarietyFoundations.
Creativity (from HolySpirit un-manifested realm) on Earth (to manifested realm) is possible because of Prior Existence of  Harmonies, Power, VarietyFoundations.
Harmonies (from HolySpirit un-manifested realm) on Earth (to manifested realm) is possible because of Prior Existence of  Power, VarietyFoundations
Power (from HolySpirit un-manifested realm) on Earth (to manifested realm) is possible because of Prior Existence of  VarietyFoundations.
Variety (from HolySpirit un-manifested realm) on Earth (to manifested realm) is possible because of  Prior Existence of Foundations
Life on Earth depends on Foundations and Balance of Mother Nature

 दशावतार (Ten Incarnations) of The Lord according to Hinduism and Evolution
  • Matsya - fish (Paleozoic era)
  • Kurma - amphibious tortoise (Mesozoic era)
  • Varaha - boar (Cenozoic era)
  • Narasimha - man-lion, the last animal and semi-human avatar (Cenozoic era)
  • Vamana - growing dwarf and the first step towards the human form 
  • Parasurama - a hero but emotionally violent person 
  • Rama - the perfect person
  • Krishna - the Supreme Guru and loving person
  • Buddha - the meditative person
  • Kalki - the mystical person
        - source - Sadhguru

Concept that evolution is essentially brought about by the interplay of three principles: 
(1) (Diversity and Natural Selection) variation—a liberalizing factor, which Darwin did not attempt to explain, present in all forms of life (through fusion of  different genes) - (Natural Selection along with Survival of Fittest determines which out of many many natural selections are fit to survive and evolve); 

Statistics Central Limit Theorem:  Application To Evolution Theory -  Means of Sampling distribution of representatives  from different groups have normal distribution  so diversity also produces normal distribution of  entire population.

(2) (Inheritance) heredity—the conservative force that transmits similar organic form from one generation to another (through genes in DNA); [Fibonacci Series Inheritance Fn=Fn-1 + Fn-2] and 
(3) (Survival of Fittest) the struggle for existence—which determines the variations that will confer advantages in a given environment, thus altering species through a selective reproductive rate. (or DNA mutations)


Note: Darwin observed evolution of species where species are pre-mammal. If he would also studied evolution of mammal species, then he would have recognized above 7+ stages of evolution.

Evolution from one stage to another is happening at near exponential pace [Fibonacci Series Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2]and after stage 9, the cycle may/will/would/could/shall restart again depending on collective human consciousness and awareness. 

 Evolution at every stage transition has exploded the number of variations (maybe due to the environment changes) and of those variations who survived were those who could adapt to environment.

Environment changes necessary for Evolution causing Evolution Stage Transition and Variation Explosion.
(Possible Explanation)
1. Earth - Formation of Earth and Cooling of Earth surface.

2. Water - Water conditions favorable for molecular cell biology, ameba, algae to convert CO2 to O2 under water, underwater plant, fish, amphibians, underwater mammals development explosion.

3. Fire - Heat and Water Vapor and Cloud formation thereby spreading water over dry land thereby causing tree/plant from water-to-land diversity explosion on dry land.

4. Air - Trees absorbing CO2 and releasing O2 necessary for Animal/Human from water-to-land population explosion.

5. Ether - Vacuum - Sound - Explosion of Human creativity starting with use of spoken and written language, vacuum filled electricity light bulbs, electronics vacuum tube technology, sound technology, wire communication technology, vacuum tube computers, information technology.

6. Light - Explosion of information and personal technology based on light-electro_magnetic_wave-quantum_mechanics research (transistors, quantum computers, space technology, gps, cellphone, computers, laptops, laser, microwave, modern electronics), internet, social media, online-media (web & TV)

7. Pure Consciousness - yet to happen for all - expand identity of self from Individual Identity to World identity. (|| अहं ब्रह्मास्मि || - Sadhguru)

8. Cosmic Consciousness - yet to happen for all - expand consciousness or awareness of self from Individual to Cosmic Identity - possible maybe only for Saints. (Universe is in "I am" - Be Still and know "I am" is God - Bible)

9. Unity Consciousness - yet to happen for all - expand consciousness or awareness of self from Individual Identity to Universal Identity || एकमेवाद्वितीयम् || - (Translation - See all as only One after awakening of Consciousness)


1. Earth formation requires perfect conditions of earth orbit around Sun, constituents of Earth, and cooling of Earth.

2. Water requires perfect conditions of Earth constituents, Earth's surface, Earth's temperature, Algae converting C02 to O2 under water, for life to survive under water.

3. Fire or heat requires perfect condition of Earth orbit around Sun to form Water Vapor and Clouds and large amounts of Water for life to survive over land (and Use of Earth-stone, Wood, Metal tools by life on land).

4. Perfect Air conditions requires all of above (1 to 3) which facilitates large scale farming and animal/human population explosion. (and Use of Earth-stone, Wood, Metal tools, Ship transport and Irrigation by life on land).

5. The Explosion of Human Creativity and Communication requires requires all of above (1 to 4) (and Use of Earth, Wood, Metal, Automobile, Ship, Submarine, Airplane, Heavy Machinery tools by life on land) for sound and vacuum technology research and communication and discovery revolution. The development of Natural Language (spoken and written both) has been key to rise of Human Evolution which is very limited in animal kingdom.

6.. The Explosion of Information and Social and Personal Technology requires all of above (1 to 5) for light, EMW, Quantum Mechanics research revolution at exponential decrease in cost to reach the masses.

7. Expansion of Pure Of Consciousness requires all of above (1 to 6) and information communication at speed of light at low or free of cost to every soul on Earth.


चित्त (Sanskrit) = Pure Internal Consciousness, Pure External Attention (English)
वृत्ति (Sanskrit) = Forms, Structures, Processes (English) - in short - modifications of “ “
चित्त (Source) -  वृत्ति (Manifestation or Modifications/Forms/Structures of Source)
  चित्त (Source) Manifests as Mind-Stuff -Perception, Emotion, Thought, Memory, Intention
  Mind-Stuff       Manifests as Body-Stuff -Space-Time-Information-Matter-Energy   
  Electromagnetic Waves Manifests as Electric Current, Magnetic Waves, Light, Microwaves
  Vibration Manifests as Sound, Music, Speech
  Connections Manifest as Gravity, networks,
  Heat Manifests as Thermodynamics, combustion, digestion
  Fluid Manifests as Fluid Mechanics, biology, biochemistry
  Unified Quantum Field  Manifests as String Theory - Quantum Mechanics - Classical Mechanics

Big Bang Theory And Creation Theory
(Consciousness towards Unified-Quantum-Field) 
चित्त towards सन्दर्शित ->
Mind-Stuff (Thought-Perception-Emotion-Memory-Intention) ->
Body-Stuff (Space-Time-Information-Matter-Energy) ->
EMW-Information-Energy (Synonym: Light) ->
Information-Vibration (Synonym: Sound) ->
Connections-Gravity (Synonym: Air) ->
Heat-Energy (Synonym: Fire) ->
Space-Time Fluid (Synonym: Water) ->
Wave-particle-Observer-Observed-Process-Manifestation (Synonym: Earth)

(and Unified-Quantum-Field towards Consciousness)
सन्दर्शित rising towards चित्त ->
Wave-particle-Observer-Observed-Process-Manifestation (Synonym: Earth) ->
Space-Time-Fluid (Synonym: Water) ->
Heat-Energy (Synonym: Fire) ->
Connections-Gravity (Synonym: Air) ->
Information-Vibration (Synonym: Sound) ->
EMW-Information-Energy (Synonym: Light) ->
MindStuff (Thought-Perception-Emotion-Memory-Intention) ->
Pure Consciousness (Pure Potential)

 "Superintended by Me, the illusory external energy (Maya) manifest all living and non-living entities; 
for this reason O Arjuna, the universal manifestation is created repeatedly." - Bhagawad Geeta Chapter 9 verse 10

"In the beginning of time, I create everything, and at the end of time, the whole creation merge in Me." -  Bhagawad Geeta Chapter 9 Verse 7

"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground (Unified-Quantum-Field or 5-elements-of-material-nature i.e. earth-water-fire-air-light) and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Consciousness); and man became a living soul." - Genesis 2:7

God and Human Paradox Ancient Yet New Creations
Source -> Creator -> Creation
HolySpirit = Source = Consciousness + Existence + Bliss
Consciousness = Attention, Being
Existence = Unified Quantum Field
Creator = God
Gods Creation = Gods Perception Emotion Thoughts Memory Intention + Unified Quantum Field
Gods Creation = Conscious Aware Universe and Body
Humans Creation = Mother-Father perception-emotion-thought-memory-intention-level_of_consciousness-latent_memory_DNA  + 5_elements_of_Material_Nature
Humans Creation = Earth Environment + Human population

Pure Of Awareness

That which beyond the reach of human senses, feeling and reasoning (like the Bottom of Ocean is Stillness or Pure of Awareness and Waves of Ocean are sense impressions, emotions and reasoning which then manifest world but Waves and Manifestation cannot touch the bottom of Ocean - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) and which is untouched by its manifestation of matter-energy-information-time-space (Knowledge is structured in Consciousness or Pure of Awareness [yet untouched by the source like lotus plant grows from water pond yet water does not stick to lotus leaf and flower] - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - like depth of ocean has pure potential to manifest into anything of sense impression, emotion, reasoning waves and waves then manifest world but pure potential is infinite and unchanged and untouched by waves and world -
ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते ।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
1: Om, That (Outer World) is Purna (Full with Divine Consciousness); This (Inner World) is also Purna (Full with Divine Consciousness); From Purna is manifested Purna (From the Fullness of Divine Consciousness the World is manifested),
2: Taking Purna from Purna, Purna indeed remains (Because Divine Consciousness is Non-Dual and Infinite),
3: Om Shaanti, Shaanti, Shaanti)
and whose experience is difficult to be described in words-pictures-sounds, but subjective experience cannot be debated about, and subjective experience brings about surrender to mystic intelligence.

GENESIS according to Bhagawad Geeta 

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